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Vertex Standard CE59/Dokumentacja/en


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  • Chn This parameter indicates the channel number. To enable or disable the channel, bring the cursor to this column to enable the programming, then presses the [SPACE] key. The channel lines displayed in thick black are unlocked and enabled, the channel lines displayed in gray are locked and disabled. Range: "On" and "Off"
  • Pri This parameter sets the Priority Channel. The priority channel is able to set only one channel per group. In Scan Mode, it will automatically become priority scan if the group includes the priority channel. To set this channel to priority, brings the cursor to this column to enable programming, then presses the [SPACE] bar to toggle this selection "On (-P-)" or "Off (-)". When this parameter is set to "On (-P-)", the current channel is designated as the ”Priority Channel”, and the radio indicates the "-P-" on the sub-LCD. When the channel that set to Home channel is set to the Priority Channel, the channel is prioritized the Home Channel feature and indicated "- H -" on the Sub LCD. Range: "(-P-)" and "Off (-)"
  • W/N This parameter selects the transmitter deviation of the operation channel. To set the deviation, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then presse the [SPACE] bar to toggle the transmitter deviation of "W5", "W4" or "N" for each operating channel.
    • W5: Max. Deviation = ±5 kHz
    • W4: Max. Deviation = ±4 kHz
  • N: Max. Deviation = ±2.5 kHz.
  • TAG Enter the Alphabetic/Numeric Character "Tag" to identify the channel. To enter the Alphabetic/Numeric Character Tag, brings the cursor to this column to enable programming, then types the characters of the desired Alphabetic/Numeric Tag, then presses the [ENTER] key to save the programmed "Tag". It is able to enter up to 12 characters.
  • Frequency
    • Receive Enter the Receive Frequency which should be a multiple of the "CH Step" shown at the top half of the screen. To enter the Receive Frequency, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then enter desired Receiving Frequency, then press the [ENTER] key to accept the new frequency. If an incorrect entry is made, round off the entry to the nearest valid frequency automatically. When the optional "Sub Band Receiving Unit" is installed, the Receive Frequency must be set in this column.
    • Transmit When you enter a Receiver Frequency, the Transmitter Frequency is automatically inserted based on the value of the default split as defined at the "Default Split" parameter on the sub menu "Miscellaneous" parameter in the main menu "Common". To change the frequency, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then enter desired Transmit Frequency which should be a multiple of the CH Step shown at the top half of the screen, then press the [ENTER] key to settle the new frequency. If an incorrect entry is made, round off the entry to the nearest valid frequency automatically. To change the default split, see "Default Split" parameter on the "Miscellaneous" parameter in the "Common" menu.
  • Sub Audio
    • Dec Select the decoder type and for each operating channel. To select this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, and press the [SPACE] bar to select the decoder type between "None (-------)," "C- xxxx (xxxx: tone frequency)," or "D-xxx (xxx: DCS code)." If "C- xxxx" or "D-xxx" is selected, press the [ENTER] key to invoke a pop-up menu of choices, then select the desired tone or code Using the [ARROW] keys. Press the [Enter] key to select the desired setting.
    • Enc Select the encoder type for each operating channel. To select this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, and press the [SPACE] bar to select the encoder type between "None (-------)", "C- xxxx (xxxx: tone frequency)" or "D-xxx (xxx: DCS code)". If "C- xxxx" or "D-xxx" is selected, press the [ENTER] key to open a pop-up window and selects the desired tone or code by the [ARROW] keys, then press the [Enter] key to settle it.
  • Power
    • H Toggle the default Transmit Power Level "High (H)" or "Low (L)". To select this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the default Transmit power level "H (High)" or "L (Low)". If this parameter is set to "L (Low)," one of three (two for mobile) possible low-power settings is in effect, as programmed in the right side column (Power L).
    • L Select the TX power level while the transceiver is set to the low power position. To select this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to select the TX power level "LH", "LM".
  • SC This parameter selects the current channel to be included into the Channel Scan List. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to open a pop-up window and select the desired Scan type to "Dealer", "User", "Both" or "Off" by the [ARROW] keys, then press the [ENTER] key to settle it.
  • TOT This parameter selects the period of time that the user can continuously transmit. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the Time-Out Timer feature "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel. To set the duration of the TOT, see the "Transmit Timer" parameter on the "Power Saving" parameter in the "Common" Menu.
  • SQ This parameter individually selects the precise value for the "Noise SQL Threshold" (determined from the "SQL Level Offset" parameter in the "Option" parameter at main menu "Common") for each operating channel. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, and press the [SPACE] bar to open the pop-up window, then select the desired Threshold Level by the [ARROW] keys, and press the [ENTER] key to settle the desired setting. Range: -7 to +7
  • DTMF ANI This function enables to send the DTMF ANI feature "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" by "PTT Press" or "PTT Release". To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the DTMF ANI feature "Enabled" or "Disabled" for each operating channel. For the detail settings of DTMF ANI function, see the "DTMF ANI" in the menu "Signalling".
  • Lock Out Select the Lock Out Feature between "-- (none)", "BC (Busy Channel Lock Out)" or "BT (Busy Tone Lock Out)". To select this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the Lock Out Feature between "-- (none)", "BC (Busy Channel Lock Out)" or "BT (Busy Tone Lock Out)" for each operating channel. The "BC (Busy Channel Lock Out)" inhibits transmission while carrier is present on the operating channel. The "BT (Busy Tone Lock Out" inhibits transmission while a carrier with invalid tone or no-tone is present.
  • Signalling
    • Type This function selects the "Signalling Type" to "Signal", "Page" or "Off" for each operating channel. To set the "Signalling Type", bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to select the signalling type among "Signal", "Page" or "Off". When this column is set "Signal", the "Signalling No." must also be set.
      • [Signal]: The 5-Tone or 2-Tone signalling is used for the channel.
      • [Page]: The DTMF Paging is used for the channel.
      • [Off]: No extra signalling is used for the channel.
    • No This parameter selects the signalling detail that is set in the column "Signalling Type". In case of "Signal" in the column "Signalling Type", available range is "Off" and System number "1" to "16" which is defined at "2-Tone System" or "5-Tone System". In case of "Page" in the column "Signalling Type", available range is "Off" or the number which is defined at "Paging Code" parameter in the menu "Signalling". To select the "Signalling No", bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to open the pop-up window and select the desired number from the list.
  • Clock Shift
    • TX This parameter may be used to move a spurious response "Birdie" for the CPU noise from the frequency of transmission. To program this parameter, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the TX Clock Shift "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel.
    • RX This parameter may be used to move a spurious response "Birdie" for the CPU noise from the frequency of reception. To program this parameter, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the RX Clock Shift "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel.
    • Opt This parameter may be used to move a spurious response "Birdie" for the Sub CPU noise. To program this parameter, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the Sub CPU Clock Shift "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel.
  • RX ARTS This parameter sets the ARTS feature to "Enabled" or "Disabled" for each operating channel. This parameter must be programmed that the "SUB AUDIO Dec" and "SUB AUDIO Enc" features are set to the DCS operation. The ARTS is designed to inform the user, when the user and another ARTS quipped stations are within communication range. The detail setting of the ARTS is on the "Miscellaneous" in the main menu "Common". To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the ARTS feature "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel.
  • Emp This function is switched on/off the pre-emphasis transmission. Normally, the voice communication between transceivers is made with pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. For the data communication, to switch off the emphasis makes better communication with less of bit error ratio. Even when the "EMP" is set on, the frequency bandwidth to transmit is still 300 Hz to 3000 Hz. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the "Emphasis" feature "Enabled (✓)" or "Disabled (-)" for each operating channel.
  • Cmpd This function is useful to improve the voice quality especially on the narrow channel. The built-in Audio Companding group compresses the waveform of voice during transmission, and expands it during reception, allowing full-sounding audio despite the restricted transmission bandwidth. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the Compandor feature "Enabled (✓)" or "Disabled (-)" for each operating channel.
  • Flat AF This function is able to use when the radio is connecting with external equipment (for the high-speed digital data) that needs the audio input/output without pre-emphasis. When the "FLAT AF" is set "F (Enabled)", the frequency bandwidth to transmit becomes no limited, so in this case it needs to adjust the input data level to get appropriate deviation. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the Flat AF feature "F (Enabled)" or "N (Disabled)" for each operating channel. Note: when this parameter is activated the sub-audio setting is not able to set on the channel.
  • Ext MIC This function is used when the radio transmits an audio input from external equipment. In case of using external input, it must be set to "Enabled ()". To set this function, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the External Mic "Enabled ()" or "Disabled ( - )" for each operating channel. This function is available only for mobile radio.
  • ST TBL This function selects the tale 1 or table 2 for Selectable Tone. The each table can be set maximum 16 different encoding and decoding sub-audio (CTCSS/DCS) and Tag. The user can select the sub-audible tone (CTCSS/DCS) that is pre-defined at "Selectable Tone" in the menu "Signalling". The Selectable Tone function is enabled only when the operating channel has pre-set sub-audio (CTCSS/DCS). To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the ST TBL "1 (ST Table 1)" or "2 (ST Table 2)" for each operating channel.
  • ANI Moni This function selects the DTMF ANI Monitor function "Enabled (✓)" or "Disabled (-)". When it is set "Enabled", the radio will show received DTMF Code on the display. To set this feature, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [SPACE] bar to toggle the DTMF ANI Monitor function "Enabled (✓)" or "Disabled (-)" for each operating channel.

Zawartość menu programu



CE59 - Hardware Parameters

These parameters are not able to edit in the field. If adjustments to any of these parameters are required, the radio must be returned to VERTEX STANDARD. Indicate parameters are:

  • Mobile TX Power: indicates the Transmit Output Power of the radio.
  • Frequency Band: indicates the frequency band of the radio.
  • Product Type: indicates the type of the radio.
  • LCD Type: indicates the LCD Type of the radio.
  • Ref. XTAL: This parameter indicates the reference oscillator frequency of the radio.
  • 1st IF: indicates the 1st IF frequency of the radio.
  • Local Offset: indicates the injection side for the 1st Local Oscillator of the radio.
  • Sub Band Local Offset: indicates the injection side for the 1st Local Oscillator for Sub-Band Unit of the radio.
  • Channel Step: indicates the channel spacing of the radio.
  • SQL Delay: indicates the Squelch Stabilization Time of the radio
  • SQL Release Time: indicates the Squelch Release Time of the radio.
  • Noise SQL Attack Time: indicates the Squelch Attack Time of the radio.
  • Noise SQL Hysteresis: indicates the Noise Squelch Hysteresis Level of the radio.
  • DCS RX Data: indicates the DCS receive data polarity of the radio.
  • DCS TX Data: indicates the DCS transmit data polarity of the radio.
  • Sub Band DCS RX Data: indicates the DCS receive data polarity for Sub Band Receiving Unit of the radio.
  • Scan PLL B register: indicates the PLL B Register Capacity of the radio.
  • Sub Band SQL Offset: it is a set value to correct the level of SQL of Main and Option Unit. Note: When this parameter is used, option unit SRX-3 or SRX-4 is needed. (VX-4200 and VX-920 series).
  • Sub Band SQL Delay: It is a set value to correct the Delay of SQL of Main and Option Unit. Note: When this parameter is used, option unit SRX-3 or SRX-4 is needed.(VX-4200 and VX-920 series)
  • Frequency Range: indicates the frequency range of the radio.


CE59 - Option

These parameters define the various configurations of radio. Available selections are:

  • LCD Contrast: selects the Contrast of the LCD Display. Range: 0 ~ 15
  • Lighting: selects the illumination of the BUSY/TX LED. Range: "Enable" and "Disable"
  • Beep: selects the beep function. If the parameter is selected to "Enable", the beep will sound when any programmable key is pressed and anytime the radio pauses on an active channel, and resumes in scan mode. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • SQL Level Offset: selects the Squelch threshold level of the radio. Best sensitivity to weak signals will be obtained by using the lowest setting that completely blocks out the background noise. Range: 0 ~ 12
  • Dimmer Level: selects brightness level of the LCD and Key Back-Light. When it is set to "DM0", the Back-Light will be turned off. Range: "DM0", "DM1", "DM2" and "DM3".
  • Audio Pitch Control: The audio pitch control switches an internal equalizer, And is a function to make it hear well as for the sound. When this function is used, it is necessary to allocate "Audio PC" key beforehand. The audio pitch control can set four kinds of modes. Mode 1: Bass, Mode 2: Standard, Mode 3: Treble, Mode 4: Super Treble. These modes are available to select for portable radio VX-920 series.
  • Option Unit: selects the Option Unit for the radio. Available selections are: FVP-36 (FVP-25), FVP-35, DVS-5, MDC1200, VX-Trunk, VT-60FS, VME-100, VMDE-200, Sub CPU A, Sub CPU B, None. This parameter will be changed to the correct Option Unit automatically when the configuration data of the radio is read (Upload) into the computer. Note: FVP-25 is used only for VX-820 series.
  • Mobile Keypad MIC: defines whether the mobile keypad microphone will be used. When the parameter is set "Enable", the setting of "Keypad Mic [A] - [*]" in the "Key Function" will be activated. To make the parameter "Enable", insert the correct keypad microphone to the radio and turn the radio on. Then (Upload) the configuration data from the radio into the computer. The status of the parameter will be changed automatically. Range: "Enable" and "Disable". Note: To use the Mobile Keypad Microphone, connect the microphone to the radio then turn the radio on. The DTMF microphone MH-700D is not able to use this function but is able to send DTMF tone with manual dialing.
  • DTMF 16 Keypad
  • Sub Band RX Unit: selects whether the Optional Sub Band Receiving Unit is installed in the radio. When you do not set this parameter to "Enable", the frequency for the sub band will not be able to set on the Main Screen. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Rec Mode: selects the Record Mode for the optional Voice Storage Unit. The last 2 minutes of incoming audio will be stored on a first-in, first-out basis. The received message will be recorded every time squelch becomes "Open".
    ONE: The received message can record for a maximum of 120 seconds, with playback from beginning of the first message.
    ROL: The received message can record for a maximum of 120 seconds. It enables rolling recording so long as the receiver is passing audio, with playback of the last 120 seconds recorded.
  • Play Mode: selects the Playback Mode for the optional Voice Storage Unit. It sets the priority audio during the playback recorded audio.
    PLY: The recorded audio has higher priority than the received signal audio. The playback mode will be continued even the signal that has unmute condition is received.
    SIG: The received audio signal is higher priority than the playback audio. If the signal that has unmute condition is received, the playback mode will be ceased and the radio will sound the received audio.
  • Power On REC ON: selects the Power On condition of recording standby ON/OFF status for the optional Voice Storage Unit. Normally the "Rec Standby" is toggled by pressing the REC/PLY key with holding 1.5 sec. When this parameter is set "Enable", the radio will start with "Rec Standby" condition without pressing the REC/PLY key. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Option Board Key: defines that the key function of the installed optional board is enabled or disabled. When the parameter is set "Enable", the keypad entry will be used by the installed board on the signaling channel. When the parameter is set "Disable", the keypad entry will be kept as the Key Assignment menu "Key Function" even on the signaling channel. Note that the parameter is applied for the VME-100 and VMDE-200.


CE59 - Scanning

These parameters define the configuration for the scanning feature of the radio. Available items are:

  • Dual Watch Timer:
  • Scan Resume Time 1:
  • Scan Resume Time 2:
  • Home Channel Scan:
  • Home Channel:
  • Talk Back:
  • Revert Channel:
  • Scan Edit:
  • Scan Beep:
  • Pri Beep:
  • Scan List:
  • SCAN Display:

Power Saving

CE59 - Power Saving

These parameters define the configuration for the power saving function of the radio. Available items are:

  • Power-On Tag: The "Power ON Tag" is the Alpha/Numeric "Tag" for the opening message, which appears when you turn the transceiver on. To program this, bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then the [ENTER] key to enable programming, and type the message (up to 12 characters) for the opening message, then press the [ENTER] key to save and exit.
  • Transmit Timer: the maximum amount of time that the radio is allowed to transmit during a single press of the PTT switch. After the "Transmit Timer" expires, if the PTT switch is still keyed, the radio will switch back into the receiving mode automatically. Range: "0.5/1/2/3/4/5/6/7" min.
  • Penalty Timer: the time period for the PTT re-key function. If the "Transmit Timer (T.O.T) " is exceeded, the user must wait in receive mode for the Penalty Timer Time before transmitting again. Range: "0, 6, 20, 60" sec.
  • Release Timer: during the "Transmit Timer (T.O.T) " is proceeding, if the user releases and presses the PTT within the "Release Timer", the "Transmit Timer (T.O.T) " will be continued. If the user releases the PTT key more than the "Release Timer" then the "Transmit Timer (T.O.T) " will be restarted when the PTT is pressed again. Range: "0 (Release Timer is off)/2/3/5" sec
  • APO Time Mode
  • Receive Save Mode: programs the Save Ratio for the Receive Battery Saver. Available values are " 1:1(50ms: 50ms)/1:2/1:3/1:4/1:5/1:6/1:7(50ms: 350ms) " or " ABS ". The ABS (Automatic Battery Saver) automatically selects the most optimum save ratio based on recent receiver activity.
  • Beep Level: programs the relative Beep volume. Range: 1 ~ 16.
  • MIC Gain: programs the Microphone Input Sensitivity. Range: "Standard", "-10dB", "-6dB", "-3dB", "+3dB", "+6dB" and "+10dB"
  • Exit MIC Gain: programs the EXT Microphone Input Sensitivity. It can set GAIN just like the MIC GAIN parameter. When EXT MIC (Option MIC) is needed to use this parameter, and EXT MIC is applied, this set value can be used. It can set seven kinds of GAIN settings. Range: " Standard ", " -10dB ", "-6dB ", " -3dB ", " +3dB ", " +6dB " and " +10dB "
  • Lamp Mode: determines the LCD Illumination Mode when the [LAMP] key is pressed
    5sec: The [LAMP] key (only) activates the LCD Illumination for 5 seconds
    Key On: The Lamps come on when any key is pressed.
    They remain on for 5 seconds after the last key is pressed.
  • RX Lamp: sets the LCD illumination "On" or "Off" when a signal is received. Battery conservation may be improved by disabling this parameter. This parameter is ignored when program the Non-LCD transceiver.
  • AF VR MIN Level: determines the audio volume level when the Volume knob is fully counter-clockwise position. This parameter is able to set in the "User Set Mode". To program this parameter, bring the cursor to this column then press the [ENTER] key to enable programming, and enter the desired audio volume level (0 ~ 255), then press the [ENTER] key to save and exit. Range: 0 ~ 255.
  • Low Battery Alert: when the battery voltage becomes lower than the Battery Blink voltage, the Battery Icon will blink and the Alert will sound. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Low Battery Alert TX: when this parameter is set "Enable", the sound of "Low Battery Alert" will be transmitted. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Low Battery Alert Interval: selects the sound interval of the "Low Battery Alert". Range: "0.5 sec", "2 sec", "5 sec" and "10 sec".

Front Panel

CE59 - Front Panel

These parameters set the configuration for the keypad and button functions of the radio. Available parameters are:

  • Set Mode: selects the User Set Mode Menu "Enable" or "Disable". In the User Set Mode, the user of the radio is able to customize various setting by himself. The "User Set Mode" Menu functions are explained in the Users Manual. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Rotary Switch Mode: defines the DIAL knob function on the top panel.
  • PTT Lock: defines whether PTT Lock will be "On" or "Off" when the Lock function is activated. Range "On" and "Off". To activate the Lock function, press and hold the following key while turning the radio on. To disable the Locking feature, repeat this power-on procedure.
    The mobile radio with LCD: [P4] + Power On
    The mobile radio without LCD: [A] + Power On
    The portable radio VX-920 series: [PTT] + [Side SEL] + Power On
    The portable radio VX-820 series: [PTT] + [LAMP] + Power On
  • Dial Lock: defines whether Dial Lock will be " On " or " Off " when the Lock feature is engaged.
  • Key Lock: defines whether the programmable keys Lock will be "On" or "Off" when the Lock feature is engaged. While the radio is in the Locked condition, the radio will ignore input the locked keys (also indicates "- Lock -" on the LCD for with LCD model). Range: "On" or "Off".
    To activate the Lock function, press and hold the following key while turning the radio on. To disable the Locking feature, repeat this power-on procedure.
    The mobile radio VX-4200 series: [P4] + Power On
    The mobile radio VX-4100 series: [A] + Power On
    The portable radio VX-920 series: [PTT] + [Side SEL] + Power On
    The portable radio VX-820 series: [PTT] + [LAMP] + Power On.
    Note: The "Key Lock" is also able to change in user set mode.
    The user of the radio will be able to decide which part the lock function is activated Key and PTT in user set mode.
  • Key Holding Time: selects the programmable keys ([TOP SEL], and [SIDE SEL]) holding time, (the time required to press the programmable key in order to have action taken). Available values are "50/150/300/650" (ms).
  • Panel LED P1, Panel LED P2: parameters is the LED functions for the Non-LCD model of the mobile radio. There are two LEDs on the front panel. The available functions to assign for LEDs are:
    • None: No function
    • MON: indicate when the Monitor function is activated
    • SCAN CH: indicate when the operating channel is set as Scan Channel
    • +4ch: indicate bigger channels than physical channel number 4
    • Low: indicate when the output power is set Low
    • Encryption: indicate when the radio is operating with Voice Encryption
    • TA: indicate when the radio is in Talk Around operation mode
    • Emergency: indicate the radio is in Emergency mode
    • HOME: indicate when the operating channel is Home Channel
    • Horn Alert: indicate when the radio is in Horn Alert operation mode
    • PA: indicate when the radio is in Public Address operation mode
    • Lock: indicate when the Key Lock function is enabled
    • ACC2: indicate when the ACC2 is enabled
    • REC/PLAY: indicate REC/PLAY function for optional Voice Storage Unit
    • RFC: indicate when on the “Ready for Communication” condition. This function is recommended to use when the radio is operating with the 2-Tone/5-Tone signalling. The RFC indicator is usable instead of MON LED.

Key Function


These parameters set the configuration for the keypad and button functions of the radio. Available parameters are:

[TOP SEL] Key Available options are: Monitor, Lamp, Scan, Dual Watch, Low Power, Talk Around, TX SAVE Disable, Follow-Me DW, Group Up, Group Down, Channel Up, Channel Down, Set, Call/Reset, Call 1-5, Code Up, Code Down, Code Set, Speed Dial, Emergency, Option SW 1-2, Home, Selectable Tone, Follow-Me Scan, Direct CH#1-4, REC/PLAY, SQL, AF Min Vr, Status Set, Status Up, Status Down, Status Check, Audio PC, Lone Worker, DTMF CODE SET, TA SCAN, Priority Disable, Direct Ch Entry, REC, PLAY, Beep ON/OFF, Whisper, None.
[Moniter] Key
[Lamp] Key
[Mic Key 1] Key
[Mic Key 2] Key
[A] Key
[B] Key
[C] Key
[D] Key
[#] Key
[*] Key
Toggle SW [A] Key Available options are: Scan, Dual Watch, Low Power, Talk Around, TX SAVE Disable, Encryption, Follow-Me Scan, Lock, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Audio PC, Clear Voice, None.
Toggle SW [|] Key
Toggle SW [B] Key


[Up] Key Available options are: Monitor, Lamp/Dimmer, Scan, Dual Watch, Low Power, Talk Around, Encryption, Follow-Me DW, Group Up, Group Down, Channel Up, Channel Down, Set, Call/Reset, Call 1-5, Code Up, Code Down, Code Set, Speed Dial, Emergency, Option SW 1-2, Home, Selectable Tone, Horn Alert, Public Address, Follow-Me Scan, External ACC 1-2, Direct CH#1-4, REC/PLAY, SQL, AF Min Vr, Status Set, Status Up, Status Down, Status Check, Priority Disable, Direct Ch Entry, REC, PLAY, None.
[Down] Key
[P1] Key
[P2] Key
[P3] Key
[P4] Key
[A] Key
Keypad Mic [A]
Keypad Mic [B]
Keypad Mic [C]
Keypad Mic [D]
Keypad Mic [#]
Keypad Mic [*]


[Up] Key Available options are: Monitor, Lamp/Dimmer, Scan, Dual Watch, Low Power, Talk Around, Encryption, Follow-Me DW, Group Up, Group Down, Channel Up, Channel Down, Set, Call/Reset, Call 1-5, Code Up, Code Down, Code Set, Speed Dial, Emergency, Option SW 1-2, Home, Selectable Tone, Horn Alert, Public Address, Follow-Me Scan, External ACC 1-2, Direct CH#1-4, REC/PLAY, SQL, AF Min Vr, Status Set, Status Up, Status Down, Status Check, Priority Disable, Direct Ch Entry, REC, PLAY, None.
[Mon] Key
[A] Key



This parameter indicates the Market Application Number and Serial Number of the radio. Available parameters are:

  • Market Applications indicate the four-digits number for identifying the owner or application of the radio.
  • Serial Number indicate the serial number of the radio.


These parameters define the various configurations of the radio. Available parameters are:

  • Default Split programs the transmit offset frequency for semi-duplex operation. To program this parameter, bring the cursor to this column then press the [ENTER] key to enable programming, and enter the desired offset frequency (-99.9 - +99.9 MHz), then press the [ENTER] key to save and exit. Note that an "Excessive" shift (causing transmission outside the allowed frequency range of the ransceiver) will cause an "Error" message (alert: Non-LCD Model) to be generated when transmission is attempted.
  • DCS Complement defines whether the DCS code complement shall be "Enable" or "Disable" for DCS operation. When it is set to "Enable", the inverted DCS code will also be able to decode. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Power On Condition determines the condition of the radio when the radio is switched on. The options are:
    • Backup – The radio will start to the same condition (any channel/group, scan, group scan) as when it was turned off.
    • Group 1 – The radio will operate on channel 1 of Group 1 when the radio is switched on.
    • DW – The radio will activate the Dual Watch feature when the radio is switched on.
    • Scan – The radio will activate the Scanner when the radio is switched on.
    • Home – The radio will operate on the Home Channel when the radio is switched on.
  • PTT Delay selects the PTT Delay between "on (300 msec)" and "off." When this parameter is set to "300 msec", the radio will hold the transmission without modulation for 300 msec after release the PTT switch. This parameter is effective only when the current operational channel is using CTCSS/DCS. Range: "300 msec" and "Off".
  • Bell when this parameter is set to "Enable", the bell will ring when the programmed CTCSS or DCS is decoded. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Monitor Mode sets whether or not to use a Monitor Feature. When this parameter is selected to "Disable", the Monitor Function will never be activated. Note: when the radio is using a signalling system (2-Tone / 5-Tone), the monitor function depends on setting of the signalling system. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Noise Cancel MIC sets the Noise Cancel Microphone feature to "Enable" or "Disable". When operating in a very noisy area, we recommend this parameter set to " Enable ". This parameter is available only for VX-920 series. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • CTCSS Tail Elim is used to eliminate the squelch tail noise when the radio is using CTCSS in receiving mode. Normally the radio to be transmitting is the CTCSS system will shift the phase of the sub-audio in 120° or 180° at the end of transmission. The receiving radio will detect the difference of the phase and will mute the audio earlier than squelch drop. Range: "120deg", "180deg" or "Disable".
  • Radio to Radio Clone selects the Radio-to-Radio Cloning Feature to use or not. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Power On Key Lock selects the lock condition when the radio turns on. To set this parameter "On", the lock function will be activated when the radio is power on. While the radio is in the Locked condition, the radio will ignore input the locked keys (also indicates "- Lock -" on the LCD for the radio with LCD). Range: "On" or "Off". It is also able to activate/inactivate the lock function by the user. To activate the Lock function, press and hold the following key while turning the radio on. To disable the Locking feature, repeat this power-on procedure.
    • The mobile radio with LCD: [P4] + Power On
    • The mobile radio without LCD: [A] + Power On
    • The portable radio VX-920 series: [PTT] + [Side SEL] + Power On
    • The portable radio VX-820 series: [PTT] + [LAMP] + Power On
  • User LED ON Time defines the lighting time of LED. Range: "10" ~ "2550" msec.
  • User LED OFF Time defines the tuning off time of LED. Range: "10" ~ "2550" msec.
  • ARTS Mode selects the radio behavior while the radio is working in ARTS Mode. The ARTS is able to switch on or off per channel (see the ARTS Column in the Main Program Screen).
    • TRX – The radio will sound the "ARTS Beep" by receiving valid signal. And it makes a polling transmission with the timing of "ARTS TX Time".
    • TX – The radio will make a transmission with the timing of "ARTS TX Time".
    • RX – The radio sounds the "ARTS Beep" when it receives valid signal.
  • ARTS Beep sets the ARTS Alert Beep feature to "Enable" or "Disable" when the ARTS feature is activated. If this parameter is set "Enable" with "TRX" or "RX" of the "ARTS Mode" then the "ARTS Beep" will sound every time receiving valid signal. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • ARTS TX Time is the interval between polling transmissions while the ARTS Feature is activated. The "ARTS TX Time" is effective while the "ARTS Mode" is selected as "TRX" or "TX". Range: "25 sec" and "55 sec".
  • Horn Alert Time selects the loud period for the Horn Alert feature. This function is available only for mobile radio. Range: "10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60" sec, "3 min" and "No limited".
  • External PTT defines to use external PTT of the Accessory Connector. The parameter is available only for mobile radio. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Mic PTT defines the Microphone PTT to be Enabled or Disabled. To make this parameter "Disable", the radio will not transmit if the user presses the PTT switch.
  • Off Hook Scan selects whether the radio able to scan function regardless of the microphone hook status. To set this parameter "Enable", the radio will be in Scan Mode if the scan function is activated. To set this parameter "Disable", the microphone must be on hook position to activate the Scan Mode. If "Enable", the radio will not go into Monitor mode if the microphone is off hook. This function is available only for mobile radio. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Off Hook Signalling selects whether the radio activates the CTCSS/DCS decode function regardless of the microphone hook status. To set this parameter "Enable", the CTCSS/DCS decode function is always enabled even off hook status of the microphone. If it is enabled, the radio will not go into Monitor mode if the microphone is off hook. This function is available only for mobile radio. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Off Hook Call 4 selects the Call function with Off Hook status of mobile microphone when the radio is working in 5-Tone System. To set this parameter "Enable", the radio will send a pre-defined 5-Tone Code with microphone Off Hook. The Call Code to be encoded is selectable at "Call 4 Encode Code" in 5-Tone Common. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • On Hook Call 5 selects the Call function with On Hook status of mobile microphone when the radio is working in 5-Tone System. To set this parameter "Enable", the radio will send a pre-defined 5-Tone Code with microphone On Hook. The Call Code to be encoded is selectable at "Call 5 Encode Code" in 5-Tone Common. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".


These parameters define the Password function to prevent use by unauthorized user:

  • Power On Password This parameter is whether the password function will activate when the radio turns on. With this parameter is set "Enable", 6 digits password must be entered when the radio turns on. Range: "Enable" and "Disable". Note that the password protection prevents use of the radio by an unauthorized user. If the user dose not input correct password Six Times, then the radio will be shown the "Error 3" message on the display and the radio will not able to use any more. In that case, it needs re-program the personalization data by the dealer.
  • ProgrammingPassword The Programming Password can prevent to re-programming of the radio by an unauthorized user. With this parameter is set "Enable", 6 digits password must be entered to the column "Programming Password". The available characters are 0, 1 to 9 and A, B, C and D. When this password is set, the user must input this password when upload the data from the radio. In case of Downloading the radio data, the defined password in this column needs to equal with the stored password in the radio. If the password is changed and about to download, the previous and new password must be entered on the computer. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".


These parameters define the auxiliary function using ACC DSUB-15 port:

ACC Input Port

When setting the input port, the following are available: None, MON, DIMMER, Hook, SCAN, EMG, Home, Group-SCAN, CH SW0, CH SW1, CH SW2, CH SW3, TX Req., TX Low Power, Call1, Call2, Call3, Call4, Call5, AF min Vr, Ignition, Ext Beep, Mic PTT Inhibit.

Note: The port 6 is available to set only for Input function, and active logic is the opposite side against the Port 1 ~ 4.

Port Function

ACC Output Port

When setting the output port, the following are available: None, Busy, AF Mute, ACC1, ACC2, Horn Alert, Public Address, PTT, TX Power, EMG, 5T_ACC1, 5T_ACC2, 5T_ACC3, 5T_ACC4, Direct CH1, Direct CH2, Direct CH3, Direct CH4.

Note: The port 5 is available to set only for Output function, and active logic is the opposite side against the Port 1 ~ 4.

Port Function

Input Port (the active logic is described as port 1 ~ 4)

  • None – No function
  • MON – The monitor/noise SQ opens when the assigned port becomes high level.
  • DIMMER – The Illumination (LCD and Key Back-Light) will be off when the assigned port becomes high level.
  • Hook – The Hook status is off when the assigned port becomes high level.
  • SCAN – The Scan will be activated while the assigned port is high level. The Scan will stop while the assigned port is high level.
  • EMG – The radio will go into Emergency operation, if the assigned port becomes high level.
  • Home – The current channel will change "Home Channel" when the assigned port becomes high level.
  • G-SCAN – The Group Scan will be activated while the assigned port is high level. The Group Scan will stop while the assigned port is low level.
  • CH SW0 ~ 3 – By the combination of the "CH SW0", "CH SW1", "CH SW2" and "CH SW3", the operation channel is able to change to specific channel defined at [Common] - [DSUB-15] - [Channel Switch Table].
Table No CH SW3 CH SW2 CH SW1 CH SW0
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 1
6 0 1 1 0
7 0 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 1
10 (A) 1 0 1 0
11 (B) 1 0 1 1
12 (C) 1 1 0 0
13 (D) 1 1 0 1
14 (E) 1 1 1 0
15 (F) 1 1 1 1
  • TX Low Power – The output power will become Low Power while the assigned port is high level. The output power will back to default if the assigned port is low level.
  • Call1 – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio makes a selective calling which is defined at the [Signalling] → [5-Tone Common] → [Call 1 Encode Code].
  • Call2 – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio makes a selective calling which is defined at the [Signalling] → [5-Tone Common] → [Call 2 Encode Code].
  • Call3 – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio makes a selective calling which is defined at the [Signalling] → [5-Tone Common] → [Call 3 Encode Code].
  • Call4 – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio makes a selective calling which is defined at the [Signalling] → [5-Tone Common] → [Call 4 Encode Code].
  • Call5 – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio makes a selective calling which is defined at the [Signalling] → [5-Tone Common] → [Call 5 Encode Code].
  • AF ATT – When the assigned port becomes high level, the AF Volume is set to Minimum Volume Level which is defined at the [Common] → [Power Saving] → [AF VR MIN Level].
  • Ignition – When the assigned port becomes high level, the radio will turn on. This function is available only for Input Port 1.
  • Ext Beep – When the assigned port becomes high level, the input audio from external microphone is able to sound from speaker of the radio.
  • Mic PTT Inhibit – During the assigned port becomes high level, pressing the Mic PTT by user will be inhibited.

Group Tag

There is a function to change the current channel by an input to the Accessory Connector (CH SWx feature). The desired channel is defined by combination of the function switch, which is connected with the Accessory Connector.

This parameter selects a Group which the channel to be controlled by accessory port belongs to. The selectable range is in the activated groups, which are selectable by Group Tag.

Channel Tag

There is a function to change the current channel by an input to the Accessory Connector (CH SWx feature). The desired channel is defined by combination of the function switch, which is connected with the Accessory Connector.

This parameter selects a Channel controlled by accessory port. The selectable range is in the activated Channels, which are selectable by Channel Tag.


These parameters define the condition of the Status Quick Check function:

  • Status Quick Check The SQC function is that the LED on the radio will blink in red when the pre-defined channel Number and/or position of AF Volume are changed while the SQC function is activated. This parameter selects the radio to activate the SQC function. Range: "Enable" and "Disable".
  • Position LED Channel selects the Channel Number when SQC function is activated. To set this feature bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [ENTER] key and type the Position LED Channel then press the [ENTER] key to save it. Range: 1 ~ 501 for LCD model, 1 ~ 8 for Non-LCD model
  • AF Level Upper AF Volume Upper Level position for limitation during the SQC feature is activated. This parameter must be equal or bigger than the "AF Level Lower". To set this feature bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [ENTER] key and type the Position LED Channel then press the [ENTER] key to save it. Range: 0 ~ 255.
  • AF Level Lower AF Volume Lower Level position for limitation during the SQC feature is activated. This parameter must be equal or smaller than the "AF Level Upper". To set this feature bring the cursor to this column to enable programming, then press the [ENTER] key and type the Position LED Channel then press the [ENTER] key to save it. Range: 0 ~ 255.

Direct CH

This parameter determines the channel that is recalled when the front panel [PF] button is pressed. Maximum four different direct channels are programmable. Any [PF] key is able to assign to the Direct Channel button.


Signalling Type

Selectable Tone




Pagning Code

Non Standard DCS

2-Tone Table

2-Tone System

2-Tone Decode

2-Tone Encode

5-Tone Common

5-Tone Table

5-Tone System

5-Tone Status

5-Tone Decode

5-Tone Encode




Basic Allignment

CH Fine Allignment

Adjustment Recover


Channel Allocations/Group Alpha Tag